
Girls, GIRLS, Girls!

In honor of Girls coming back on HBO tonight (I can't stop squeeling!), I did a Girls style segment.  Enjoy & get excited for Season 3!

Hannah's style is quirky at best.  Hannah is the type of girl that spends 20 minutes picking out something to wear, realizes she's late, and throws on a shirt on the floor with what she already has on, grabs a head accessory and heads out the door.  And I love that - one of my best friends from high school is Hannah.  Down to the opaque tights.  She isn't afraid of pattern and color and will pick something out because it makes her laugh.  She has gorgeous elements to her style (see lace top) but then does something off the wall like pair it with Christmas leggings.  And Christmas leggings with sandals in summer?  Hannah staple.

[Top - J.Crew; Jeans - NetAPorter; Coat - Tobi; Photo c/o Google Search; Shoes - LuLu's; Necklace - DVN]

I identify most with Marnie's style.  Classic and simple.  However, I may need to take a look at my style, like Marnie, because we both tend to play it safe.  We are afraid of patterns and can be in a rut with taking rules that our mother taught us about fashion to heart.  Luckily, Marnie's friends get her out of her funks with bright colors and things that may be out of the norm.  

I love Jessa's style by far.  Jessa could care less what people think, she dresses like life is a stage, and she loves going for the dramatic.  She is not afraid of any trend that comes her way - crop tops & maxi skirts?  She's been doing that for years.  I love seeing what she wears every episode.  I feel like she dresses like my 5 year old self who loved wearing the costume kimonos and disney princess dresses with my mom's wooden wedges and grandma's mod belts.  Her lipsticks are always fun too!  My favorite Jessa dressing moment?  The day she wore hot pink under a white crochet dress to babysit children.  "Is this appropriate?"

[Photo c/o Twenties Hacker; Dress - Esther; Phone Case - Etsy; Belt - ASOS; Boots - Century 21; Ring - Ruche]

Shosh is the best comedic relief to a show about four girls.  Seriously.  Insert emoji of a panda bear, gun and present here.  I love Shoshanna's obsession with everything cool and in.  Shoshanna is always trying to be someone "better" when she's the one who is really great overall anyways.  If Marnie's Bible is the J.Crew Catalog, Shoshanna's is Sex in the City.  She probably dresses up every day in NYC only in a pink top, stilettos and tutu just hoping a bus will splash her with gross city puddle water.  The most important thing to Shoshanna's style?  Her phone - she most definitely would be the girl who would accessorize her phone case with her outfit.  I love that.

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